Reflection probes are used to obtain spectral information of diffuse or specular materials. The light from a light source is sent through six illumination fibers to the sample, and the reflection is measured by a 7th fiber in the center of the reflection probe tip. The 7th fiber is coupled to a spectrometer configured to the appropriate wavelength range of interest. More illumination fibers can be added to get more energy from the light source and therefore increase the reflection signal level.

For measurements under an angle of 90°, the FCR-90-Option was developed. It’s a special adapter with a mirror positioned at 45° and can be easily mounted on the tip of Avantes standard reflection probes.

The FCR-COL is an adjustable UV/VIS/NIR collimating and focusing lens, which enables focusing the measurement spot at an extended distance.

Featured image reflection probe

Product Information

Fibers 7 fibers 200 or 400 µm core, 6 light-fibers, 1 read fiber, N.A.= 0.22. Standard 2 m length, splitting point in the middle.
Wavelength range 200-2500 nm (UV/VIS/NIR)
Connectors SMA-905 connectors (2x)
Probe end Stainless steel 316 cylinder, 50 mm long x 6.35 mm diameter. Optionally –PK for PEEK or –HY for Hastelloy® C276 (on request)
Jacketing The optical fibers are protected by a silicon inner tube and a flexible stainless steel (BX, O.D. 6.0 mm) or chrome plated brass (ME, O.D. 5.0 mm) outer jacket. The jacketing also provides stress relief
Temperature -30°C to 100°C. (-HT version 200°C)
Pressure Probe head 200um version: 50 bar / 400um version: 10 bar 10 bar @ 25°C
Bending Minimum bend radius: Short term (few seconds) 20-40 mm, long term: 120-240 mm
FCR-7UVIR200-2-BX/ME* Reflection probe, 7 x 200 µm fibers, 2 m length, SMA term
FCR-7UVIR400-2-BX/ME* Reflection probe, 7 x 400 µm fibers, 2 m length, SMA term
FCR-90-Option 90° reflection add-on reflector for use with all ¼” reflection probes
FCR-COL Adjustable UV/VIS/NIR Collimating/focusing lens for FCR probes

*Please specify jacket material

-HT High-temperature version (up to 200°C)