We are excited to announce the release of our newest software version, AvaSoft 8.16.1. With new features and improvements, AvaSoft 8.16.1 is ready for the future. The software package is available for download on MyAvantes. Click the button below to log in.

New features

  • Windows 11 has been added as a supported platform
  • Windows 7 is no longer supported
  • An error message is displayed when preparing the measurement fails
  • Changing the integration time while running a measurement in S-d mode will show a warning to save a new dark reference
  • Additional information is added on functions available for user-defined TimeSeries
  • Added optical-electrical accessories for (both old, single shutter, and new dual shutter) fiber optic switches
  • Batch-convert STR8 files to ASCII
  • When requesting too many STR scans, an error message is displayed
  • Option “measurement delays” added
  • Possible to load more than 30 scans in the spectrum window
  • When logging is enabled, a new log file will open when starting up
  • Improved information in log files
  • The FOS-2-INL fiber optic switch can now be controlled by the ASMini spectrometer
  • A new muxusb library supports new FOM devices with new firmware
  • When saving a FWHM file without entering an extension, AvaSoft 8 will add this extension
  • The “number of scans to save” in the Options/Save Spectra Periodically is set to be a minimum of 1
  • Up to 100 scans all have different colors in the spectrum window


  • Spectrum window: visible spectrum is shown correctly when wavenumbers are used
  • AvaSoft8 remains stable even if, for some reason, the autosave folder is removed
  • Accurate display of FOS serial numbers in the startup/splash window
  • No LIBS settings are used anymore when switching from LIBS to regular measurement mode
  • The loaded file is displayed correctly when loading a reflectance spectrum and performing a reflectance measurement
  • When changing the measure mode after loading a spectrum, the spectrum is correctly drawn
  • Converting old AvaSoft 7 files shows a message when converting (obsolete, old) files fails

If you have any questions or need help downloading the software, feel free to contact our support engineers. Send an email to support@avantes.com, start a chat on our website or give us a call at +31 313 670 170. We are happy to help you!

Software options