To mount a cuvette holder directly to your light source, Avantes offers a range of direct-attached cuvette holders. The CUV-DA connects to the AvaLight-DHc, -XE and -(HP)LED light sources, the CUV-DA-DHS to the AvaLight-DHS and AvaLight-DHS-BAL and the CUV-DA-HAL-Mini to the AvaLight-HAL-Mini. These devices can be used for either absorbance or fluorescence measurements.
All CUV-DA cuvette holders feature two 90-degree and one 180-degree threads that allow the COL-UV/VIS collimating lens to be connected for absorbance or fluorescence setups. Each of CUV-DA series cuvette holders includes two SiO2 aluminum mirrors to further enhance fluorescence signals. These are mounted at 90 degrees to the excitation source and emission output. The CUV-DA has a 5mm-wide filter slot.
For the AvaLight-HAL and the AvaLight-DHS the direct-attached cuvette holders can be mounted directly on the front panel of the light source by removing the standard filter holder.