In gemology, there are two basic questions: ‘What are the characteristics of the stone I want to measure?’ and ‘Are these characteristics natural?’ The easy way to answer these questions is with this gemology bundle. The bundle includes a sphere and a special gemology white reference tile to categorize and validate gems quickly. 

Typical applications:

• Color
• Natural or artificial
• Artificial coloring

Gemology Bundle Components:

Spectrometer: Configured with a 360 – 1100 nm spectral range
Fiber Optics: Ensures precise light transmission
Light Source: Integrating Sphere that provides integral tungsten halogen illumination for accurate reflectance measurements.
Accessories: White reference tile designed for optimal gemstone positioning and cooling
Software: AvaSoft-Full

Example Bundle Setup:

Gemology bundle

Customizable Options

Every measurement task is unique, and our modular system allows you to tailor the spectrometer setup to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss how we can help you configure the ideal measurement setup for your application.

Spectrometer AvaSpec-VRS2048CL Grating MN0300-0.50 (350-1000 nm), 25 µm DCL-UV/VIS-200, OSC, AvaSoft-Full
Fiber optics FC-UVIR600-2
Light source AvaSphere-50-LS-HAL-12V
Included AvaSphere-50-HOLD, WS-2-GEM PS-12V/2.08A