Today, February 11th is International Day of Women and Girls in Science! This day reminds the world that women and girls are key in science and that their participation should be encouraged. At Avantes, we are putting Chantal Elout in the spotlight! Chantal is the Area Sales Manager at Avantes and uses her technical knowledge to make staggering contributions to the sales team.
Early passion for science
Chantal was always drawn to science classes during her early school years. In high school, Chantal had a study focused on laboratory work, but she found that commercial chemistry was a better fit for her interests. After studying, Chantal found her way into the sales department, where she can now align all her interests!
Chantal’s opportunities at Avantes
At Avantes, the markets are nearly limitless, allowing for the use of our spectrometers in a variety of industries. Chantal enjoys using her technical knowledge in her sales work to better understand and help her clients in all these differing industries. With these clients in many different countries, there are many international opportunities to travel to distributors and expand the horizons of her knowledge.
The spectroscopy field is filled with innovation and science, where women make great contributions. Chantal finds that “the addition of women to a men’s team brings different experiences and perspectives, which often results in an improved working atmosphere.” In addition, with more diversity based on background and age, the workplace improves as well.

Empowering women and girls in science
For all the women and girls aspiring to pursue a career in science, the advice Chantal has is to “just do it.” Chantal believes if you enjoy doing something, you should go for it and explore where you can learn the most and have fun while doing it.
At Avantes we are built on service-oriented thinking and acting and encouraging and motivating each other with a positive critical and professional attitude. To encourage more women and girls in science, Chantal believes that “companies should promote an open culture with equal rights and opportunities for women and men. But women also have to stand up for themselves, and be a proud scientist”. Women are key in our development in the scientific field, offering new perspectives, creative ideas, leadership, and many more skills to the table. Thank you for joining us in celebrating this day, and thank you Chantal for inspiring us and sharing your story!
More information about International Women and Girls in Science:
Working at Avantes: Are you enthusiastic about exploring the science of spectroscopy? Check out our job openings!
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