Without our distributing partners, Avantes wouldn’t be the same. That’s why we would like to put them in the spotlight and introduce them through a short interview. This month in the spotlights; Phototechnica Corporation, located in Japan. We spoke with the manager, Kim NamJae.
About Phototechnica Corporation
Phototechnica is a Japanese company, established in 1986. “We started the business with importing and selling lasers, optical equipment, and parts. Now we have 15 employees working from our office in Saitama and import and sell laser systems & measurement instruments, optical devices, imaging systems & applications, and thin-film measurement instruments”, Kim explains. “We sell products from 28 manufacturers”, he adds proudly.
About Kim NamJae
Kim NamJae is with the company for 16 years now. “In 2005 I started at Phototechnica and I still enjoy my work a lot”, Kim explains. “The work matched great with my study and background in spectroscopy, Raman and adhesion”, he adds. In his free time, Kim likes to keep busy with Do-It-Yourself projects.
Our customers were satisfied with their products, so we wanted to continue the good relationship with Avantes
Phototechnica and Avantes
In 2012 the partnership between Phototechnica and Avantes started. “Avantes is a good spectrometer manufacturer. Our customers were satisfied with their products, so we wanted to continue the good relationship with Avantes”, Kim explains. “We are happy with the good response and technical support where needed”, he concludes.
We are very happy to call Phototechnica our partner and hope to continue our partnership for a long time.

More information
Website: https://www.phototechnica.co.jp/
LinkedIn Kim NamJae: https://www.linkedin.com/in/namjae-kim-a77262b7