Raman spectroscopy allows the obtaining of individual spectral ‘fingerprints’ of materials. This form of spectroscopy is commonly used in chemistry and in pharmaceutical and medical fields to provide information by which molecules can be identified. To offer our customers optimum performance for a reasonable price, Avantes joined forces with two different partners to offer you three convenient Raman bundles, consisting of a high-performing spectrometer (three different models), a unique laser-probe combination (785nm) supplying enhanced signals and an outstanding software package to analyze the Raman spectra.

Type of Measurements

Raman technique is used for many different materials. The Avantes bundles are very good for the use of powders and liquids. If very weak signals possibly together with fluorescence background the AvaRaman-D (High-sense Bundle) using our AvaSpec-HERO is recommended (higher quantum efficiency in NIR and better signal-to-noise performance). When weak Raman signals occur (integration time longer than 5 seconds), the thermo-electric-cooled (TEC) spectrometer is recommended. This is added in the AvaRaman-E (Performance Bundle). When strong signals are available (aromatic compounds, alcohol-based liquids) in general AvaRaman-F (Basic Bundle) is useful to perform the measurement.

Application Fields

• Mineralogy & Gemology
• Raw materials identification
• Pharmaceuticals & Medical diagnostics
• Semiconductors

Bundle pill – no laser

Types of Bundles

There are 3 different bundles, each set-up contains a dedicated spectrometer to your application requirements. The 3 bundles have in common:

For excitation

AvaLaser785 (incl.: 785 nm laser safety goggles). It has an ultra-high-throughput integrated Raman probe. This novel device includes an integrated wavelength stabilized laser source with Raman filter packs, beam shaping optics, and high-efficiency Raman spectra collection optics.


• 785 nm Wavelength stabilized excitation source.
• High throughput optical design with 100cm-1 Cut-on.
• External control box for power adjustment (manually/ software controlled).

For Analysis

AvaSoft-Raman: Basic standalone software to obtain spectra.
Panorama-Light: Panorama Light is a modular, high-end software platform for spectroscopic data evaluation. The application meets all requirements for a comprehensive spectroscopy working environment, offering:
• Measurement with an instrument
• 2D & 3D data visualization
• Searching in libraries
• Archiving in spectral libraries, including additional information
• Printing with professional print templates
• Conversion of many known data formats
• Sharing data with office applications Panorama Light is designed to perfectly assist you and to keep you focused on your daily work.

For Detection

We offer state-of-the-art spectrometers based on the Avantes StarLine and SensLine spectrometers, tailored for optimum performance in the Raman range of interest.

Tutorial video

In this video we show you how to perform different types of Raman measurements with our AvaRaman Bundle combined with a cuvette holder. More tutorial videos about our AvaRaman Bundles can be found on our support page or YouTube channel.

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Product Information

AvaRaman-D (Highsense Bundle) AvaRaman-E (Performance Bundle) AvaRaman-F (Basic Bundle)
Range 100 cm-1 – 2915 cm-1 150cm-1 – 3600 cm-1 150 cm-1 – 3600 cm-1
Resolution 10 cm-1 6 cm-1 6 cm-1
Spectrometer Based on an AvaSpec-HS1024x58TEC-EVO set for (788-1018nm), slit-25, FC-PC connector, replaceable. Based on an AvaSpec-ULS2048x64TEC-EVO-RS set for (788-1100nm), DCL-UV/VIS200, FC-PC connector, replaceable. Based on an AvaSpec-ULS2048CL-EVO-RS set for (788-1100nm), slit-25, DCL-UV/VIS200, FC-PC connector)
Includes AvaLaser785 (incl. probe), AvaRaman software: Panorama Light AvaLaser785 (incl. probe), AvaRaman software: Panorama Light AvaLaser785 (incl. probe), AvaRaman software: Panorama Light
Ava-Raman-SH-785 Bundle Light tight cuvette holder for use with Raman probe of AvaLaser785 used with the Ava-Raman D/E/F bundles. Incl. adjustable gold coated mirror for signal collection
Ava-Raman-XYZ-785 Bundle Manually adjustable X-Y-Z Stage for use with Raman probe of AvaLaser785 used with the Ava-Raman D/E/F bundles