With its versatile and flexible design, the VARIUS™ allows for analyzing a wide range of samples and measurements, allowing you to gain insights into your research or application quickly.

The VARIUS spectrometer is available in standard and industrial (OEM) variations. It comes with a choice of a 2048 or 4096-pixel detector and features USB3 and Gigabit Ethernet high-speed data transfer. The OEM variation has a sturdy steel housing with electromagnetic shielding, specifically designed for seamless integration into your device or system.

Patented technology
Patented technology and an improved optical bench design make the VARIUS™ outperform its predecessors. The VARIUS™ guarantees accuracy and reliability across various applications. Seamlessly integrate with our AvaSoft software and crosslink solutions for enhanced versatility.

Optimize performance by replacing the slit with different sizes. Experience the new, magnetic connector cover system, which allows easy access for slit replacement and performance customization. Adapt effortlessly to various measurement scenarios for optimal results.

High Reproducibility
Avantes’ automated manufacturing process for the VARIUS™ spectrometer, enables us to produce high volumes of these instruments with exceptional efficiency, speed, and accuracy. This automation also ensures reproducibility, making each VARIUS™ spectrometer identical to the next. With this streamlined process, we can deliver high-quality spectrometers faster than ever before.

Product Compatibility
The new VARIUS™ spectrometer is compatible with Avantes light sources, accessories, and AvaSoft software, allowing users to customize setups to match their measurement needs.

VARIUS | Key features

  • Patent-pending technology improved optical bench
  • Great signal-to-noise, sensitivity, and speed performance
  • Measurement flexibility – by changing the slit size
  • Improved temperature stability
  • High unit-to-unit reproducibility
  • High-speed communication up to 5 Gigabit per second

Contact us!

Optical Bench Symmetrical Czerny-Turner design, 75 mm focal length; VRS bench Symmetrical Czerny-Turner design, 75 mm focal length; VRS bench
Wavelength range 190 – 1100 nm 190 – 1100 nm
Stray light 0.1 – 1% (typical value 300l/mm, blaze 300nm < 0.3%) 0.1 – 1% (typical value 300l/mm, blaze 300nm < 0.3%)
Detector HAM S11639, CMOS linear array, 2048 pixels (14×200 µm) HAM S13496, CMOS linear array, 4096 pixels (7×200 µm)
Signal / Noise 375:1 365:1
Dynamic Range 4500 4500
Dark Noise 15 cnts 15 cnts
AD converter 16-bit, 6 MHz 16-bit, 6 MHz
Integration time 9 µs – 30 seconds 9 µs – 30 seconds
Interface USB 3.0 high speed (5Gbps), Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps) USB 3.0 high speed (5Gbps), Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps)
Sample speed on-board averaging 0.38 ms /scan 0.70 ms /scan
Data transfer speed 0.38 ms/scan (USB3.0), 1.0 ms (ETH) 0.70 ms/scan (USB3.0), 1.31 ms (ETH)
Digital I/O HD-26 connector, 2 Analog in, 2 Analog out, 13 Digital bidirectional, trigger, sync., strobe, laser HD-26 connector, 2 Analog in, 2 Analog out, 13 Digital bidirectional, trigger, sync., strobe, laser
Dimensions, weight 183 x 130 x 45,2 mm, 1068 grams 183 x 130 x 45,2 mm, 1068 grams
Power supply Default USB3 power, 500 mA or 12 VDC, 300 mA Default USB3 power, 500 mA or 12 VDC, 300 mA
Temperature range 5 – 55 °C 5 – 55 °C
Useable range (nm) Spectral Range Lines/mm Blaze (nm) Order code
UV/VIS/NIR 190-1100** 910** 300 300 MN0300-0.30
UV/VIS 190-850 544-540* 600 300 MN0600-0.30
UV 190-750 261-256* 1200 250 MN1200-0.25
UV 190-650 168-152* 1800 UV MN1800-0.25
UV 190-580 121-103* 2400 UV MN2400-0.25
UV 190-400 72-57* 3600 UV MN3600-0.25
UV/NIR 250-850 536-532* 600 400 MN0600-0.40
VIS/NIR 300-1100** 800** 300 500 MN0300-0.50
VIS 360-1000 529-519* 600 500 MN0600-0.50
VIS 300-800 247-216* 1200 500 MN1200-0.50
VIS 350-750 147-121* 1800 500 MN1800-0.50
VIS 350-640 96-89* 2400 VIS MN2400-0.50
NIR 500-1050 515-506* 600 750 MN0600-0.75
NIR 500-1050 210-204* 1200 750 MN1200-0.75
NIR 600-1100 339-300* 830 800 MN0830-0.80
NIR 600-1100** 500** 300 1000 MN0300-1.00
NIR 600-1100 500 600 1000 MN0600-1.00

Note: a selection of starting wavelength is possible, contact us for available configurations. * Depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and smaller the range to select ** Please note that not all pixels will be used for the useable range

Slit size (μm) 10 25 50 100 200 500
FHWM in nm
VARIUS™ 2K Resolution
300 lines/mm grating 1.0 1.4 2.25 4.8 9.2 21.3
600 lines/mm grating 0.40-0.53* 0.7 1.2 2.4 4.6 10.8
830 lines/mm grating 0.32 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.5
1200 lines/mm grating 0.20-0.28* 0.27-0.38* 0.52-0.66* 1.1 2.3 5.4
1800 lines/mm grating 0.10-0.18* 0.20-0.29* 0.34-0.42* 0.8 1.6 3.6
2400 lines/mm grating 0.09-0.13* 0.13-0.17* 0.26-0.34* 0.44-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 lines/mm grating 0.06-0.08* 0.10 0.19 0.4 0.8 1.8
VARIUS™ 4K Resolution
300 lines/mm grating 0.50-0.70 1.4 2.25 4.8 9.2 21.3
600 lines/mm grating 0.30-0.36* 0.7 1.2 2.4 4.6 10.8
830 lines/mm grating 0.25 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.5
1200 lines/mm grating 0.14-0.18* 0.27-0.38* 0.52-0.66* 1.1 2.3 5.4
1800 lines/mm grating 0.09-0.11* 0.20-0.29* 0.34-0.42* 0.8 1.6 3.6
2400 lines/mm grating 0.07-0.09* 0.13-0.17* 0.26-0.34* 0.44-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 lines/mm grating 0.05-0.06* 0.10 0.19 0.4 0.8 1.8

*Depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the higher the resolution.

AvaSpec-VRS2048CL-EVO VARIUS™ fiber-optic spectrometer, 75 mm AvaBench, 2048 pixel CMOS detector 14 x 200 μm, USB powered, high-speed USB 2.0 and ETH interface, incl. AvaSoft-Basic, USB interface cable. Specify grating, wavelength range and options (A).
AvaSpec-VRS4096CL-EVO VARIUS™ fiber-optic spectrometer, 75 mm AvaBench, 4096 pixel CMOS detector 7 x 200 μm, USB powered, high-speed USB 2.0 and ETH interface, incl. AvaSoft-Basic, USB interface cable. Specify grating, wavelength range and options (A).
AvaSpec-VRS-OEM Contact one of our offices for ordering information regarding the VARIUS™ OEM
SLIT-XX-PRS Replaceable Slit for VARIUS™ spectrometer for non OSF configurations. Slit size, please specify XX = 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 μm
SLIT-XX-PRSF Replaceable Slit for VARIUS™ spectrometer for OSF configurations. Slit size, please specify XX = 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 μm
*SLIT-XX-P Fixed Slit for VARIUS™ spectrometer. Slit size, please specify XX = 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 μm
OSC Order sorting coating for grating MN 0600-0.50 and MN 0600-0.40 (>350 nm)
OSC-UA Order sorting coating for grating MN 0300-0.30 / MN 0300-0.50
OSC-UB Order sorting coating for grating MN 0600-0.30 and MN 0600-0.40 (<350 nm)
OSF-YYY-3 Order sorting filter for reduction of second-order effects, possible: YYY = 305, 395, 475, 515, 550, or 600 nm, depending on range
DCL Detector Collection Lens. To be included

* Only for OEM customers Avantes will select the optimal second order suppression based on desired configuration.