Relevant Information
The AvaSpec-ULS2048x64TEC-EVO is an updated version of our AvaSpec-ULS2048x64TEC spectrometer with improved electronics and cooling.
This instrument enhances the SensLine series with its cooled, back-thinned detector. The back-thinned detector has a high level of sensitivity in the UV and IR regions. The 64-pixel height (0.89 mm) enables catching as many photons as possible, while the cooling allows for long integration times of up to 120 seconds with low noise levels.
The instrument features a Peltier cooling device integrated into our exclusive ultra-low stray-light optical bench, which can reduce the temperature of the CCD chip to -30°C against ambient, significantly improving the dark baseline and PRNU level. The detector cooling also reduces the dark noise by a factor of 2-3.
The AvaSpec-ULS2048x64TEC-EVO uses a special low-noise version of the 2048×64 detector with integrated cooling.
All the features mentioned above make this instrument ideally suited for measuring low-light applications, such as fluorescence or low-light Raman measurements.
Optimum flexibility is guaranteed with the replaceable slit, making the instrument suitable for various applications.